Why You Snore and How to Stop It

Snoring isn’t a joke, especially for your partner. Snoring is a common condition that seems to be absolutely harmless, however, it may be a cause or a sign of several serious health problems.

Despite a popular belief that only men tend to snore, women are at risk, as well. People, who have weight problems like obesity, tend to suffer from snoring, too.

As you age, snoring might get worse and bring a lot of discomfort and problems into your life. We’re not talking about occasional snoring, though. Read on to find out why you snore and how you can stop it.

What are the types of snoring?

The majority of people have no idea that snoring can be different and, depending on the type of it, it’s easier to determine the reason why you snore. There are four main types of snoring you might be struggling with:

  • Snoring that occurs when you sleep on your back;
  • Snoring with your mouth opened;
  • Snoring with your mouth closed;
  • Snoring no matter your sleep position. You can snore even in the sitting position while taking a nap.

The cause for every type of snoring varies and it’s vital to talk to a doctor to figure out the root of your snoring. Once you figure it out, it will be easier for you to get rid of snoring for good.

What are the leading causes of snoring?

Snoring is considered to be a serious sleep disorder. There are a lot of things that could trigger snoring, but the leading causes of it are:

1.The oversized and bulky throat tissues

People with weight issues like obesity usually have the oversized and bulky throat tissues that constrict the airway passage, leading to snoring. Children with bulky adenoids and/or tonsils suffer from snoring, as well.


Age-related snoring affects both men and women after 40. The problem is, as we age, the changes in the throat’s muscle tones happen. For instance, the muscle tones can get weaker or the throat can become a little bit narrower. Each person has their own reason for the age-related snoring.

It’s not easy to avoid age-related snoring, as we aren’t able to stop the aging process. All you can do is to delay the premature aging by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercise on a daily basis. Moreover, you can practice some throat exercises, which have been shown to ward off age-related snoring.

3.The decreased muscle tone in your throat and/or tongue

If the muscles of your tongue and throat get relaxed, they might fall down and get trapped in the airway, triggering snoring. The reason why a muscle tone of your tongue and throat decreases is usually because of deep sleep, alcohol or drug consumption, or sleeping pills.

The situation gets worse when you start aging since the throat and tongue muscles become even weaker than ever before resulting in insomnia and chronic fatigue.

4.The elongated uvula or dropped soft palate

An elongated uvula or a dropped soft palate reduces the space between the throat and the nasal cavity. An elongated uvula or a dropped soft palate can bump and irritate each other, getting the airway blocked and triggering snoring.

5.Sleep position

The way you sleep can either increase or decrease the likelihood of snoring. The habit of sleeping on the back might be great for your face as it prevents wrinkles and fine lines, but it can be bad for your throat.

This sleep position makes the throat’s flesh get relaxed and as it does it blocks the airway, triggering snoring.

6.The nasal airway obstruction

The allergy seasons trigger tons of health issues, including snoring. Those who have a sinus infection have a higher risk of getting into a habit of snoring.

The numerous nose deformities, such as nasal polyps and a condition called a deviated septum (that’s characterized with the nasal septum being displaced to one side) can cause the nasal airway obstruction and therefore snoring.

7.Bad habits

Bad habits, such as smoking and frequent alcohol consumption have been linked to snoring. Smoking cigarettes irritates the throat’s and nose’s membranes, blocking the airways and triggering snoring.

When it comes to alcohol, it’s a strong depressant that has a sedative effect so when you fall asleep, alcohol relaxes your throat and jaw muscles, which then collapse onto the airway, blocking airflow and triggering snoring.

8.Certain medications

There are several medications that might also cause snoring, In particular, tranquilizers, such as diazepam and lorazepam help the muscles to relax, resulting in snoring.

What are the biggest health risks snoring can cause?

Apart from interrupting your sleep, snoring can result in many health problems, including chronic insomnia, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, interruptions of breathing, and migraine.

11 ways stop snoring

When snoring became a habit, it’s difficulty to treat it without professional help. Figuring out the root cause of it though, can help you to quit this habit and enjoy a sound sleep. Below are some of the tried and tested tricks to stop snoring.

1.Improve your sleeping position

In most cases, changing a sleeping position is the best and fastest way to quit snoring, albeit your mattress and pillow can play their role as well.

It’s critical that you sleep with your head elevated for at least four inches. This way, you’ll ensure a clear and proper breathing and allow your tongue and jaw to move forward.

There are also special pillows, which are created to ward off habitual snoring. Pay attention to the quality of your mattress. The old mattress can negatively affect your sleeping position and eventually result in snoring.

Sleeping on your back is considered as the worst sleeping position for snorers. If you tend to sleep on your back and you can’t control your position, consider attaching a tennis ball to your back.

In case you want to roll over onto your back, you’ll instantly feel the discomfort or a slight pain and turn back onto your side in no time. You can also place big pillows at your sides to keep yourself from sleeping on your back.

2.Clear sinuses or a stuffy nose

If you have a stuffy nose, try cleaning your nasal passages with saline at least an hour before you go to sleep. Opt for nasal decongestant, nasal strips, or a well-known neti pot to relieve your breathing during sleep.

If you have any sort of an allergy though, it might not help. Consult a doctor to treat your allergy. This might help you treat snoring, at the same time.

3.Keep the air in the room moist

Humidify your bedroom if its air is too dry. The thing is, dry air can irritate the membranes in the throat or/and nose. As a result, you might experience swollen nasal tissues that will trigger snoring. A humidifier can assist you in solving this issue.

4.Avoid alcoholic drinks

Even the most innocent alcoholic drink like beer that men drink in the evening to relax can lead to sleep problems and snoring. As mentioned above, alcohol aids in getting the throat’s muscles relaxed while having a negative impact on breathing.

5.Avoid smoking

Again, as mentioned above, smoking is one of the major causes of snoring, as it irritates the nose and throat membranes, obstructing the airways and triggering snoring. If you have trouble quitting this bad habit, try to at least avoid smoking a few hours before bed.

6.Be careful with bedtime snacking

Believe it or not, experts claim late bedtime snacking – especially if those snacks aren’t healthy – could also result in snoring. Moreover, consuming certain foods, such as dairy or soy milk, might worsen your snoring.

7.Lose weight

If you’re overweight or obese, no wonder you suffer from snoring. Consider losing a few excess pounds to sleep better at night.

8.Don’t take the sleeping pills

Snoring worsens the quality of sleep and thus a lot of snorers take the sedatives or sleeping pills to improve their sleep. Unfortunately, the sleeping pills have many adverse effects and it can prevent you from controlling your sleeping position.

9.Give anti-snoring exercises a try

There are several anti-snoring exercises you can practice to stop snoring. Keep the muscles in the upper respiratory tract strong by curling the tongue and pronouncing vowel sounds.

Pursue the lips while keeping your mouth closed for 20 to 30 seconds. Or, place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth and move your tongue backward for 2 minutes each day.

Move your jaw to the right and then left and hold it for 25 seconds while keeping your mouth opened. Or, repeat the vowel sounds out loud for a few minutes several times per day.

10.Medical treatment

Somnoplasty, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, palatal implants, and continuous positive airway pressure are some of the most common medical treatments for snorers.

In rare cases, surgical procedures, including uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, thermal ablation palatoplasty, tonsillectomy, or adenoidectomy, are needed to eliminate snoring from your life. The custom-fitted dental devices and lower jaw-positioners can also help you to cope with your problem.

11.Try anti-snoring devices

There’s a wide range of anti-snoring devices available on the market today. However, don’t experiment with them unless your doctor would tell you otherwise.

Often ignored, snoring is actually a big problem and not only for your partner who can’t sleep well because of your constant snoring. It’s a huge problem for you too, as snoring can lead to numerous health issues, including heart disease.  Start dealing with your snoring today until it’s too late.


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