14 All-Natural Ways to Treat Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter pylori, shortly h. pylori, is a kind of bacteria found in the mucus lining of the duodenum and stomach and can adhere to the multiple cells lining the stomach. When ignored, h. pylori can burrow deep into the lining, causing ulcers and other minor and serious digestive issues, including frequent burping, loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, burning pain in the stomach, and those being linked to stomach cancer.

When you have a strong immune system, your body sends the immune cells to fight and kill bacterial invaders. The weaker immune system allows h. pylori to thrive and enjoy its life. But unfortunately, the immune cells can’t burrow into the lining, so it’s always great to know how to beat h. pylori in all-natural ways. Below are some of the most effective natural remedies to try:

1.Matula tea

Made of up 5 different natural herbs, matula tea boasts antibacterial properties which help to kill h. pylori. Moreover, it helps the lining of your stomach heal by regulating gastric acidic production and preventing bleeding. Plus, matula tea helps to rebuild the mucus lining so any damage h. pylori cause to it is reversed and the bacteria are unable to re-infect.

Matula tea contains herbs such as myrtaceae, fabaceae, alliaceae, asteraceae, and oleaceae. It’s recommended to drink 2 cups of matula tea (in the morning and evening) on an empty stomach for about a month in order to treat h. pylori. However, you should make sure you’re not allergic to any of the five herbs mentioned above. Try not to add sugar and honey to it. If you don’t like the taste, a tiny piece of lemon will improve the tea’s taste.

2.Natural cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is an effective tool against any infection of the gastrointestinal and urinary tract. The antibacterial compounds found in cranberry juice help to combat h. pylori and prevent it from burrowing into the lining. Due to its powerful anti-adhesive effect on the bacteria, cranberry juice promotes the elimination of h. pylori through normal urination and excretion.

Avoid store-bought cranberry juices – especially those mixed with an apple, grapefruit, or pomegranate juice. Look for 100% natural and organic version or make your own juice at home. Try drinking a glass of it in the morning for a month or two. An added bonus: you’ll boost your immune system and reduce your cancer risk as well.

3.Epsom salt bath

If you’re serious about killing the bacteria, consider taking an Epsom salt bath once a week. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a bath with warm water and soak for about 10 minutes.

Even though the Epsom Salt Council recommends taking an Epsom salt bath three times a week, it’s typically enough to take it once a week to soothe inflammation, cleanse the body, and eliminate toxins from it.  It’ll also provide a quick boost to your immunity to fight h. pylori. The compounds in Epsom salt are quickly absorbed by the skin, letting them act directly on the body.

4.Apple cider vinegar

The number one popular natural remedy for almost all diseases and health issues, apple cider vinegar is excellent in eliminating the infection in the body. It boasts antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties, but be careful with it. 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar a day will be enough to treat the issue.

Add it to a cup of warm water and drink. There are also apple sider vinegar supplements available on the market today. Before you take them though, see your doctor as many people report different health complications. Herbalists and natural healers prescribe raw and natural apple cider vinegar, so it’s better to avoid supplementation.

Read more: 1 Spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar: 6 Health Benefits

5.Grapes and red wine

The high content of antioxidants and polyphenols makes grapes a wonderful remedy for h. pylori. Red grapes are excellent for killing the infection, albeit green grapes have awesome immunity-boosting properties. Red wine preserves a lot of antioxidants and polyphenols, so a glass of it each day can help you treat h. pylori too.

6.Green tea

If you can’t find matula tea in your city, opt for high-quality green tea instead. The epicatechins and catechins found in green tea are renowned for their potent antibacterial effects and immunity boosting properties. Green tea is affordable and has little to no side effects. Aim to drink 2 to 3 cups of freshly brewed green tea (better without sugar) a day for a month or so in order to ward off or kill h. pylori.

7.Probiotic-rich foods

Even a slight bacterial imbalance in your stomach can negatively affect your overall nutrition and health. Helicobacter pylori can upset the bacterial balance, causing inflammation and a number of serious and chronic health problems. Probiotic-rich foods contain beneficial bacteria that improve your gut health, keep your digestive system healthy, and ward off h. pylori.

Eating probiotic-rich foods daily won’t only help you to get rid of the infection, but also reduce your risk of flu, constipation, and heart disease. Some of the best sources of natural probiotics are: homemade yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, and pickles, among the others. There are also probiotic supplements, but they can cause allergic reactions.

Read also: 14 Best Probiotic Rich Foods You Should Be Eating More

8.Pine nut oil

Pine nut oil is known for its antibacterial properties and has been used for centuries to treat heal gastrointestinal disorders, ulcers, stomach inflammation, indigestion, and boost stamina. It has to be used carefully and in moderation. Organic pine nut oil is extremely effective at slowing down the spread of h. pylori and reducing the symptoms.

9.Olive oil

The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of olive oil make it an effective remedy for treating h. pylori. It boasts the anti-inflammatory, stomach-coating, and soothing effect, reducing your susceptibility to Helicobacter pylori. Use olive oil when cooking or add it to your salad instead of dressing. But if you don’t mind ingesting olive oil as it is, have a teaspoon of it in the morning and evening to fight bacteria while improving your overall health.

10.Mastic gum

The study conducted in the United Kingdom showed that taking 1 mg per day for two weeks, which is considered a small dose of mastic gum, can help you treat h. pylori. The perk of mastic gum is that it acts fast. No wonder it’s considered as one of the fastest-acting remedies for Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Mastic gum is a resin from the stem and the main leaves of the pistachio tree. It has been clinically used to treat duodenal ulcers and benign gastric ulcers and is a popular food ingredient in the Mediterranean region.

Chew the resin for about 5 minutes at least once a day for 2 weeks or take 2 to 3 grams of mastic powder each day for 2 to 3 weeks. If you can tolerate the taste of mastic gum, you can ingest it instead of chewing, but don’t overdo it. Even though mastic gum is safe and has little side effects, overdose is still a problem.

11.Manuka honey

Easy to find and delicious to eat, Manuka honey has been shown to treat helicobacter pylori, too. It provides a direct inhibitory effect on the spread and growth of h. pylori bacteria hand has the ability to stop the infection in its latest tracks. 2 to 3 teaspoons of raw Manuka honey a day will be enough to fight the infection. You can use Manuka honey in your green tea as a sweetener, but it’s better to either mix it with warm water or eat as it is. Don’t forget about moderation.


Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can be an effective treatment for h. pylori and other infectious diseases. It has potent antimicrobial, antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal properties, as well as a host of powerful antioxidants. Eating raw garlic regularly will help you boost the immune system, fight free radicals, and protect your body from the unfriendly bacteria.

The research done by the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel, found that the active key component found in raw garlic – allicin – has antimicrobial properties that combat harmful bacteria and promote the overall health. Garlic powder doesn’t have the same benefits, so consider eating raw or roasted garlic.

13.Broccoli sprouts

Believe it or not, broccoli sprouts are among the best foods to eat when you’re suffering from h. pylori. Numerous studies have shown that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli sprouts minimizes gastric inflammation and reduces the symptoms of bacteria colonization. Broccoli sprouts are particularly good for people with type 2 diabetes who are trying to get rid of h. pylori. An added bonus: a regular consumption of Broccoli sprouts lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.

14.Black seed

Eating 2 grams of ground black seeds each day has been shown to successfully fight h. pylori infections. Black seeds are rich in dietary fiber, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and many other compounds that help to boost your immunity and stop the infections. Black seed oil might be as effective as black seed power but don’t take it as it is. Mix a ½ teaspoon in a glass of water and drink it once a day.

If you’ve been suffering from helicobacter pylori for a long while, some of these natural remedies may not work for you. Remember to consult your doctor before starting your healing process with natural treatments. While some of these remedies are just food items that can be consumed daily, others should be consumed very carefully to avoid any possible side effects. If you’re taking any antibiotics or supplements, it’s best to avoid using apple cider vinegar, pine nut oil, and in some cases Epsom salt baths.


  • https://www.leaf.tv/articles/how-long-do-you-soak-in-an-epsom-salt-bath/
  • http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199812243392618
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1297341/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10594976
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3003218/


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