Tag: zinc

  • Unlocking the 6 Health Benefits of Tahini

    Unlocking the 6 Health Benefits of Tahini

    Tahini, produced from ground sesame seeds, is an especially popular and beloved food in Middle Eastern cuisine. Not only is tahini tasty, but it also contains a plethora of important and healthy nutrients for the body. Here are a few reasons why you should include tahini in your daily menu and how much is recommended…

  • Feast for Your Follicles: The Nutritional Blueprint for Strong, Shiny Hair

    Feast for Your Follicles: The Nutritional Blueprint for Strong, Shiny Hair

    Proper nutrition is essential for hair health due to the fact that hair requires a wide variety of nutrients for optimal growth and to maintain its strength and shine. A balanced intake of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy fats directly affects hair growth and strength. A nutrient-poor diet can lead to weak, brittle hair and…

  • 12 Warning Signs of Zinc Deficiency and How to Fix It

    12 Warning Signs of Zinc Deficiency and How to Fix It

    Are you suffering from frequent breakouts or chronic adult acne? Do you often catch colds and illnesses that seem to take ages to treat and cure? Are you suffering from any sleep disorders? These all could be warning indicators that you’re not getting enough amount of zinc. Even thou you don’t need to consume tons…