Tag: Probiotics

  • A rare syndrome made a woman drunk without her taking a sip of alcohol

    A rare syndrome made a woman drunk without her taking a sip of alcohol

    The medical field is no stranger to rare and enigmatic disorders that leave healthcare professionals and patients alike perplexed. Among these rare conditions, Auto-Brewery Syndrome (ABS) or gut fermentation syndrome stands out due to its unusual nature. This article explores the intriguing story of a woman who experienced symptoms of intoxication despite abstaining from alcohol,…

  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

    Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

    Probiotics and prebiotics are often mistakenly believed to have one meaning. In reality, these are entirely different and have different roles in maintaining your gut health. Both probiotics and prebiotics provide support to the body in creating and keeping a colony of good bacteria and microorganisms that maintain good gut health and ensure healthy digestion.…