Tag: magnesium

  • Unlocking the 6 Health Benefits of Tahini

    Unlocking the 6 Health Benefits of Tahini

    Tahini, produced from ground sesame seeds, is an especially popular and beloved food in Middle Eastern cuisine. Not only is tahini tasty, but it also contains a plethora of important and healthy nutrients for the body. Here are a few reasons why you should include tahini in your daily menu and how much is recommended…

  • Can Kettle Scale Harm Our Health?

    Can Kettle Scale Harm Our Health?

    Limescale is a mineral deposit that forms when hard water, which contains high amounts of calcium and magnesium, is heated and evaporates. This phenomenon is particularly familiar in places with hard water such as Israel. One of the most common issues is the buildup of limescale in electric kettles. The pertinent question is whether limescale…

  • 8 Lesser-Known Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

    8 Lesser-Known Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

    Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a central role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the human body. From energy production for muscle function to even DNA synthesis, the importance of magnesium cannot be overstated. While many are familiar with common symptoms of magnesium deficiency, such as muscle cramps, fatigue, and mood disorders, there…