Tag: COVID 19

  • How to Avoid Gaining Weight During Quarantine

    How to Avoid Gaining Weight During Quarantine

    Now that most of us have to stay home due to pandemic, eating has become a favorite activity. Since we can’t visit gyms or run in the parks, chances are you’re also staying inactive the majority of your time at home. Have you already noticed that you’ve start putting on pounds? That’s a warning sign…

  • What Is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    What Is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    What are Coronaviruses? Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that usually infect animals.  Rarely, they can be passed to humans and then spread between people. The symptoms caused in humans are usually respiratory or gastrointestinal and can range from a common cold to severe infections like pneumonia.  Many coronaviruses are found in bats but can…

  • Fight The Coronavirus: Strengthen The Immune System

    Fight The Coronavirus: Strengthen The Immune System

    Just when we thought that the cold and flu season was over, coronavirus, or COVID-19, has spread around the globe. COVID-19 is a terrible virus so we should do everything we can to ward it off and stay healthy during this difficult time. One of the most effective ways to fight the virus is to…