Tag: Celiac Disease

  • 8 Health Benefits of Eating Bulgur

    8 Health Benefits of Eating Bulgur

    If you’ve ever savored a bite of a tabbouleh salad, you’ve undoubtedly enjoyed the delightful texture of bulgur. But what makes bulgur nutritionally valuable? Scroll down to read. 1.Rich in Fiber One of the prominent benefits of bulgur is its high fiber content. Dietary fibers are essential for our digestive system’s health, assist in regular…

  • Celiac Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

    Celiac Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

    The biggest mistake people make when thinking that a gluten-free diet is just another food trend is that it’s not a food whim. A gluten-free diet is vital for those suffering from celiac disease. Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder caused by gluten consumption. Albeit this digestive condition rarely leads to lethal outcome, it’s…