• How Simple Physical Exercise Can Boost Your Brainpower

    How Simple Physical Exercise Can Boost Your Brainpower

    Improving or strengthening your brain doesn’t necessarily require solving crosswords or investing in expensive dietary supplements. Neurologists have discovered that one simple action can significantly boost our cognitive function: physical exercise. The Impact of Physical Activity on Brain Health Many studies have shown that physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, can have a profound impact on…

  • 12 Ways to Boost BDNF and Age-Proof Your Brain

    12 Ways to Boost BDNF and Age-Proof Your Brain

    BDNF, or Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, is a crucial neurotrophic factor that controls plasticity and maintains the survival of the cells in the brain. Any abnormal signals of BDNF play a significant role in development of various disorders and diseases, including from Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Studies show that BDNF is mainly active in the forebrain,…