Category: Nutrition

  • What Your Frequent Cravings Say about You

    What Your Frequent Cravings Say about You

    The foods that you choose to consume each day can reveal a huge deal about what you crave at a core level. Decoding your cravings means starting thinking outside the box and reconsider your entire meal plan. Hunger is a tricky thing as it’s often confused with thirst. Sometimes you also feel hungry because you’re…

  • Healthy Foods That Promote Lean Muscle Growth

    Healthy Foods That Promote Lean Muscle Growth

    If you’re looking to build lean muscle and drop unwanted pounds, an intense workout is a must. However, it’s also critical to create a meal plan that will aid in the lean muscle growth. There’s no need in following a specific diet or eliminating tons of your favorite foods. Your body needs a variety of…

  • 14 Health Reasons to Incorporate More Walnuts into Your Diet

    14 Health Reasons to Incorporate More Walnuts into Your Diet

    Loaded with healthy fats, powerful antioxidants, and a range of other essential nutrients, walnuts are among the most must-haves in the pantry. They’re crazily good for your brain, heart, and skin health. Most importantly, walnuts keep cancer growth cells away, lowering the risk of cancer. Read on to find out why you should be eating…

  • Bowl of Cabbage: 9 Health Benefits

    Bowl of Cabbage: 9 Health Benefits

    If you are trying to improve your eating habits and become the healthier version of yourself, cabbage must be at the top of your grocery lists. There are many kinds of cabbage to consider, but almost all types promote fantastic health benefits. Cabbage varies in color from purple to red and green, and the leaves…

  • 8 Most Powerful Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

    8 Most Powerful Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

    There are tons of powerful health benefits of chia seeds that you may not even know about. This superfood is indigenous to Latin America and had been a staple food in the Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. The popularity of chia seeds in the Western world is enormous these days. People around the world…

  • Fennel seeds health benefits (and ways to use)

    Fennel seeds health benefits (and ways to use)

    Behind the reminiscence of fennel seeds to licorice and anise flavors, there are myriad health benefits of these oval-shaped and yellowish-green seeds. Historically, the seeds were used by Hippocrates and Dioscorides of the Mediterranean region as medicine. Today dvanced technology has allowed further research on these seeds; therefore, scientists have been able to establish a…

  • 5 Foods That Can Relax Your Stress

    5 Foods That Can Relax Your Stress

    The heart rate and breathing are the primary homeostasis processes affected by stress. These two processes indicate when the energy levels in the body are high or low. Under stress, the human body will release hormones that regulate these two processes. The body prepares itself for a flight or fight response; therefore, the hormones released…

  • 14 Best Probiotic Rich Foods You Should Be Eating More

    14 Best Probiotic Rich Foods You Should Be Eating More

    Whether you want it or not, the germs live in and around you all the time. They help you with your metabolism, immunity, and digestion, and without them, you become prone to allergies along with various autoimmune and chronic diseases. If you think you should take supplements and eat yogurt to boost your probiotic intake,…

  • 16 Lowest-Calorie Foods That Will Instantly Fill You Up

    16 Lowest-Calorie Foods That Will Instantly Fill You Up

    Whether you are trying to lose a few unwanted pounds or you need to drop a significant amount of weight, you might want to know some of the lowest calorie foods to include in your daily eating plan. While it’s important to get enough calories each day, it’s always good to keep some low calorie…

  • Foods Not to Eat Before Sleep

    Foods Not to Eat Before Sleep

    Did you know that there are foods that will make you toss and turn the whole night even if you ate them 2 or 3 hours before bed time? This article will discuss the worst foods you can eat before food. Have you ever wondered why we are scheduled to sleep at night and not…