Category: Nutrition

  • Avocado – 15 Powerful Health Benefits

    Avocado – 15 Powerful Health Benefits

    One of the greatest of nature’s miracle foods, avocado is a popular high nutrient fruit that people enjoy all over the world. Due to its high content of healthy fats, nutritionists recommend to consume avocado at least 4 times a week. Not only will avocado keep your body in excellent condition from your head to…

  • 10 Astonishing Health Benefits of Parsley

    10 Astonishing Health Benefits of Parsley

    Frequently used as a topping or garnish in a variety of meals, parsley boasts a wealth of awesome health benefits. Regular parsley consumption helps to reduce the skin cancer risk, prevent halitosis and diabetes, boost immunity and bone health, boosting the immune system, and many others. Parsley is also a powerful natural antibiotic, which helps…

  • 10 Most Powerful Carrot Health Benefits

    10 Most Powerful Carrot Health Benefits

    One of the most versatile vegetables, carrots are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing a myriad of health benefits. Famous for a signature orange color, carrots can also be in shades of yellow, purple, red, and white. They get their vivid color from carotenoids, which are antioxidants that fight cancer and boost immunity. Carrots…

  • 18 Amazing Health Benefits of Mango

    18 Amazing Health Benefits of Mango

    The member of the drupe family, mango is one of the healthiest and most popular foods worldwide. Mango is actually a nutritious powerhouse that provides your body with a host of vitamins and minerals, promoting your overall health. A cup of diced mango supplies 76% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, 35% of…

  • 15 Incredible Health Benefits of Lettuce

    15 Incredible Health Benefits of Lettuce

    One of the most popular foods of each dieter, lettuce boasts a host of nutrients and antioxidants that promote the overall health. Crispy, delicious, and wholesome, lettuce isn’t used in salads only. You can use it in a variety of meals while reaping all the health benefits it has to offer. Read on to find…

  • Discover the Best Health Benefits of Tuna Fish

    Discover the Best Health Benefits of Tuna Fish

    One of the most popular fish worldwide, tuna often used in Asian, European, and Australian cuisines, albeit most countries can consume canned tuna only. Since fish has a host of the powerful health benefits, it should be one of the staples in your house – unless you’re vegan. From lowering the risk of heart disease…

  • Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts

    Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts

    Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) belong to the Lecythidaceae family, they are native to South America, found mainly in the Amazon rainforest. A Brazil nut tree can grow up to 200 feet, making it one of the largest trees in the world. The nut is protected in a thick, brown shell that needs to be cracked…

  • Health Benefits of Grapes

    Health Benefits of Grapes

    Grapes are widely known as ’The Queen of Fruits’ and are fruit berries that belongs to the  deciduous woody vines of botanical name Vitis. Grapes are highly nutritious fruits  that can satisfy the taste buds in variety of ways. The measure of nutrients and antioxidants embedded in this fruits are huge. Grapes come in various…

  • Health Benefits of Eating Plums

    Health Benefits of Eating Plums

    Plum (Prunus Domestica ) are an extremely nutritious fruits belonging to the subgenus- prunus of the family prunus and are in the same family with peach, nectarine, and almonds. They are considered as “drupes” because of the hard stone pit surrounding their seeds. There are numerous varieties of plums, they are: European, Damson, Japanese and…

  • 11 Health Benefits of Including Garlic in Your Diet

    11 Health Benefits of Including Garlic in Your Diet

    One of the most powerful natural antibiotic, garlic boasts myriads of health benefits. Garlic is known for its intense flavor and aroma and is used in almost all cuisines worldwide. It has great antibiotic, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties and has been used for thousands of years to ward off various conditions, including plague in…