Category: Nutrition

  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

    Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

    Probiotics and prebiotics are often mistakenly believed to have one meaning. In reality, these are entirely different and have different roles in maintaining your gut health. Both probiotics and prebiotics provide support to the body in creating and keeping a colony of good bacteria and microorganisms that maintain good gut health and ensure healthy digestion.…

  • How to Prevent and Reduce Bloating

    How to Prevent and Reduce Bloating

    You’ll often hear people complain that they feel bloated, or you might even have made that complaint yourself. Despite the common use of the term, the definition is not entirely clear and the average layman is not familiar with the precise medical meaning, nor do they have one of the underlying conditions causing bloating. Instead,…

  • 16 Best Protein Sources (Excluding Meat)

    16 Best Protein Sources (Excluding Meat)

    Protein powerhouses are composed of all foods and drinks a person can consume providing nutrition and fitness to their bodies. These foods are rich in protein and are highly effective in the body as well. Cutting out protein sources that are fatty and fried like fish and chicken meat mentioning a few, makes sense when…

  • Carbohydrate Intolerance: Definition, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Carbohydrate Intolerance: Definition, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Many of us have already heard about lactose intolerance and the impact it has on the human body. However, very few people know about the condition such as carbohydrate intolerance and how dangerous it can be. It’s impossible to determine carbohydrate intolerance at home and the symptoms might be similar to other – more common…

  • Is Too Much Protein Harmful To Your Health?

    Is Too Much Protein Harmful To Your Health?

    Protein is vital for proper growth and development. It plays a critical role in tissue repair and is involved in multiple important biochemical body functions. No wonder so many people switch to high protein diets or take protein-packed supplements. The problem is, people don’t know whether or not they need protein. Only a medical expert…

  • Watermelon Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

    Watermelon Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

    The hot days in summer are never complete without watermelon. These healthy fruits are a favorite because they are sweet, fleshy, watery, and refreshing. Moreover, each juicy bite of a watermelon is soaked with significant levels of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and a modest amount of amino acids. Read on to find out the nutrition facts…

  • Arsenic in Rice: Should You Avoid it?

    Arsenic in Rice: Should You Avoid it?

    Recently, researchers have found that the majority of rice varieties contain one of the most toxic chemical elements found in the food we eat. This element is called arsenic and most of us consume it, without realizing it. The worst thing is, arsenic can also be found in the healthy varieties of rice like brown…

  • 11 Drinks to Help Reduce Bloating

    11 Drinks to Help Reduce Bloating

    No matter how healthy you eat, stomach bloating can still bother you once in a while. Although there are some medications to help you ease or prevent bloating, it’s always best to deal with it in an all-natural way. Sure, it’s important to find out the reason for your bloating, especially if you experience it…

  • 13 Reasons to Eat More Protein (Backed by Science)

    13 Reasons to Eat More Protein (Backed by Science)

    In a world that is levitating more towards high calorie and nutrient-poor diets, coupled with a highly sedentary lifestyle, too many people are eating too many calories forgetting the importance of proteins. Hence, the current obesity epidemic and related health problems such as type 2 diabetes and heart complications.  Perhaps, this can be attributed to…

  • 16 Protein Foods You Need To Eat

    16 Protein Foods You Need To Eat

    Proteins are macronutrients that help in the normal functioning of the body. They are also known as body-building foods. Scientifically, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These amino acids are made up of organic compounds of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon. Proteins enable body cells to function well. First of all, proteins are…