Category: Nutrition

  • How to Freeze Fresh Foods to Prevent Waste

    How to Freeze Fresh Foods to Prevent Waste

    Sticking to a healthy diet is easier when you have a freezer. Freezing fresh foods have a plethora of benefits. Not only is it good for your wallet, but freezing also helps to prevent sensitive nutrients from being destroyed during transportation and storing. Freezing fresh foods reduces food waste, as well. Now, during a pandemic,…

  • Water with Meals? Is It Good or Bad?

    Water with Meals? Is It Good or Bad?

    Water is vital for your body and sipping those eight glasses is a surefire way to maintain optimal hydration. Many people drink water with meals – especially if they’re trying to lose weight. Other people believe drinking water during meals is harmful to health. In fact, if you drink filtered water during meals, it can…

  • 12 Healthy Canned Foods

    12 Healthy Canned Foods

    Once canned foods saved people from hunger; today canned foods are unfairly underrated. Although some canned foods aren’t healthy, many others are loaded with nutrients. There are canned foods that are even healthier than fresher ones, according to a growing number of studies already conducted. Read on to learn more details about them and which…

  • 14 Complete Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians

    14 Complete Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians

    When your diet is meat-free, it seems to be harder to get enough complete protein. Eggs and meat are complete proteins, which contain essential amino acids. Plant-based sources of complete protein do exist, though. Although plant-based protein sources don’t contain all necessary amino acids, they supply the body with enough amounts of different amino acids…

  • How to Avoid Bean Flatulence

    How to Avoid Bean Flatulence

    Beans are crazily good for us, but what do you feel after eating a serving? Intestinal gas, right? Bean flatulence is a common problem, which can be prevented. The problem is, beans contain indigestible carbohydrates like oligosaccharides, which aren’t digested by the body. This type of carbs is digested by the gut bacteria, causing gas.…

  • How to Avoid Gaining Weight During Quarantine

    How to Avoid Gaining Weight During Quarantine

    Now that most of us have to stay home due to pandemic, eating has become a favorite activity. Since we can’t visit gyms or run in the parks, chances are you’re also staying inactive the majority of your time at home. Have you already noticed that you’ve start putting on pounds? That’s a warning sign…

  • Vitamins and Minerals of Especial Importance to Women

    Vitamins and Minerals of Especial Importance to Women

    Although all essential vitamins and minerals should be included in a healthy diet, iron, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin D are of particular importance for women. IRON What is iron and why is it especially important for women? Iron is important for several processes in the body, including energy metabolism and immune function. However, it…

  • Foods to Avoid on a Low Carb Diet

    Foods to Avoid on a Low Carb Diet

    The low carb diet has blossomed in popularity over recent years, and weight loss is the biggest reason for its use. The low carb diet is also recommended for people suffering from diabetes and other diseases and disorders. Whether you’re considering this type of diet or you’ve just started to follow it, you should know…

  • Can You Eat Too Much Avocado?

    Can You Eat Too Much Avocado?

    Avocado is life… Chances are, you’ve heard it a million times. People enjoy avocados mashed on toast, sliced in sandwiches, omelets, wraps, fruit and veggie smoothies, and even in soups. Nowadays, avocado is also used in vegan ice creams, brownies, and puddings. That’s because this fruit has a rich, healthy, monounsaturated fat content. The claim…

  • 7 Healthy Ways to Minimize Gluten in Your Diet

    7 Healthy Ways to Minimize Gluten in Your Diet

    Found in grains, such as rye, barley, and wheat, gluten is simply a protein that doesn’t contain any essential nutrients. Bread, cereals, pasta, and pizza are the most popular sources of gluten. (1) Eating too much gluten can result in chronic inflammation and multiple digestive issues – especially if you’re gluten-sensitive. People who are sensitive…