Category: Health

  • Bacterial Vaginosis – Cause, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

    Bacterial Vaginosis – Cause, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

    Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection for women of childbearing age- even more common than candidiasis. (1) One in every four women is affected by the condition, making it a top reproductive health concern. (2) Due to this occurrence, it is necessary to understand its impact on sexual health, quality of life and…

  • How to Prevent Hair Loss: 13 Tips to Help Save Your Hair

    How to Prevent Hair Loss: 13 Tips to Help Save Your Hair

    For a growing number of people, the lackluster, volume-lack locks or a sparser hairline is a warning sign it’s time to boost their hair health. Even though it’s okay to lose from 50 to 100 hair strands daily, if it seems that you lose more, you might be dealing with hair loss. The trigger of…

  • Osteoporosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

    Osteoporosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

    One of the widely-known bone diseases, osteoporosis affect many people worldwide. This condition weakens the bones, making them so fragile that they can easily break. The trickiest thing about osteoporosis is that people suffering from this condition usually don’t experience any severe symptoms until a bone fracture happens. There are a lot of causes for…

  • Asthma: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Asthma: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    The life-threatening airway disease, asthma is a chronic condition where severe lung inflammation triggers increased mucus, narrow and swollen airways, chest tightening, shortness of breath, a characteristic wheeze, and coughing, among the other symptoms. Even though in most cases asthma begins in childhood, scientists claim that both asthma and allergies can strike you at any…

  • Does Love Always Hurt?

    Does Love Always Hurt?

    Does love always hurt? that’s question people ask all the time. especially when love ends and there’s that heartache in the very end. So this eternal question now has an neuroscientifically validated answer.

  • Diabetes: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

    Diabetes: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

    Diabetes is a serious disease that can strike anyone regardless of age and walk of life. The latest statistics show that up to 422 million people worldwide are diagnosed with diabetes. This number is drastically and fast increasing and more and more scientific researches has been conducting to find out the way to stop it.…

  • 15 Signs You’re Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Person

    15 Signs You’re Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Person

    We have no problem spotting an aggressive person as they don’t hide their negative emotions. We try to avoid this person because we don’t want to be belittled, criticized, or insulted. However, most of us fail to spot a passive-aggressive person. Oftentimes, the people surrounding you like your parents, siblings, friends, spouses, and coworkers make…

  • White Hair: Causes and Prevention

    White Hair: Causes and Prevention

    Modern lifestyle has its perks and drawbacks. White hair is one of the biggest drawbacks of a seemingly comfortable, technology, and stress packed life. Even people in their early 20s start noticing the first white strands, but unfortunately, most of them either ignore the problem or camouflage it. Premature aging and graying can be prevented…

  • Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes, Signs, Treatment

    Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes, Signs, Treatment

    Living with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is like being in the jaws of death. One moment, you feel like you’re the happiest person in the world who has a great family, a favorite job, and overall an awesome life. The next moment, you feel like your world is going to ruin in a matter of…

  • 10 Signs You Probably Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) + How to Treat it

    10 Signs You Probably Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) + How to Treat it

    Do you often catch yourself washing your hands several times in a minute or double checking your doors? Sometimes, it’s okay to ensure your iron is unplugged before heading to work, but if your obsessive worries start interfering with your everyday life, chances are you are suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). The disorder is…