Author: Agogo

  • Foods to Avoid on a Low Carb Diet

    Foods to Avoid on a Low Carb Diet

    The low carb diet has blossomed in popularity over recent years, and weight loss is the biggest reason for its use. The low carb diet is also recommended for people suffering from diabetes and other diseases and disorders. Whether you’re considering this type of diet or you’ve just started to follow it, you should know…

  • Can You Eat Too Much Avocado?

    Can You Eat Too Much Avocado?

    Avocado is life… Chances are, you’ve heard it a million times. People enjoy avocados mashed on toast, sliced in sandwiches, omelets, wraps, fruit and veggie smoothies, and even in soups. Nowadays, avocado is also used in vegan ice creams, brownies, and puddings. That’s because this fruit has a rich, healthy, monounsaturated fat content. The claim…

  • What Is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    What Is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    What are Coronaviruses? Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that usually infect animals.  Rarely, they can be passed to humans and then spread between people. The symptoms caused in humans are usually respiratory or gastrointestinal and can range from a common cold to severe infections like pneumonia.  Many coronaviruses are found in bats but can…

  • 7 Healthy Ways to Minimize Gluten in Your Diet

    7 Healthy Ways to Minimize Gluten in Your Diet

    Found in grains, such as rye, barley, and wheat, gluten is simply a protein that doesn’t contain any essential nutrients. Bread, cereals, pasta, and pizza are the most popular sources of gluten. (1) Eating too much gluten can result in chronic inflammation and multiple digestive issues – especially if you’re gluten-sensitive. People who are sensitive…

  • Cortisol – What it Does and How to Maintain Healthy Levels

    Cortisol – What it Does and How to Maintain Healthy Levels

    What is Cortisol? Cortisol is a hormone (chemical messenger) produced by the adrenal glands (at the top of your kidneys) which is always present in your bloodstream in small quantities and plays an important role in your body. Its uses include regulating blood pressure, maintaining glucose levels in the bloodstream, controlling your metabolism and keeping…

  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

    Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

    Probiotics and prebiotics are often mistakenly believed to have one meaning. In reality, these are entirely different and have different roles in maintaining your gut health. Both probiotics and prebiotics provide support to the body in creating and keeping a colony of good bacteria and microorganisms that maintain good gut health and ensure healthy digestion.…

  • Fight The Coronavirus: Strengthen The Immune System

    Fight The Coronavirus: Strengthen The Immune System

    Just when we thought that the cold and flu season was over, coronavirus, or COVID-19, has spread around the globe. COVID-19 is a terrible virus so we should do everything we can to ward it off and stay healthy during this difficult time. One of the most effective ways to fight the virus is to…

  • Turmeric Tea: Benefits and Preparation

    Turmeric Tea: Benefits and Preparation

    Turmeric tea boasts a lot of health benefits, despite being highly underrated today. Turmeric is one of the most powerful healing foods that help to treat and prevent a range of diseases and conditions, including heart disease, hay fever, digestive issues, joint conditions, and chronic inflammation, among others. If you have never tried turmeric tea,…

  • Things That Destroy Your Skin Health

    Things That Destroy Your Skin Health

    Healthy skin radiates energy, natural glow, and beauty, regardless of your age. If your skin looks horrible or it’s prone to acne, there are a few factors that might be impacting your skin health. And your makeup isn’t the only culprit. While it’s definitely important that you use high-quality skin care and makeup products, you…

  • Tips For Coping With Anxiety

    Tips For Coping With Anxiety

    Everyone is affected by anxiety at some level.  Most people will experience short-term anxiety when they are confronted by a stressful situation, but some people will develop a longer-term anxiety disorder such as generalised anxiety disorder, social, health or peri-natal anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or panic attacks. In 2017, the Institute for Health Metrics…