Author: Agogo

  • Ashwagandha for reducing stress, anxiety and insomnia

    Ashwagandha for reducing stress, anxiety and insomnia

    Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is a widely used herb in Ayurvedic medicine with a history of thousands of years of use. It is considered an adaptogen due to its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive function, and strengthen the immune system. Numerous studies have shown that Ashwagandha can effectively reduce stress…

  • 7 Breakfasts Ideas with less than 300 calories

    7 Breakfasts Ideas with less than 300 calories

    Greek yogurt and strawberries Mix together 170 grams of Greek yogurt and a handful of sliced strawberries. This meal will have about 270 calories and 17 grams of protein. This breakfast is a simple and satisfying option that provides a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin C. The Greek yogurt is high in protein…

  • 7 things that happen when we quit sugar

    7 things that happen when we quit sugar

    Sugar is a common ingredient found in many foods and drinks, and sometimes we consume too much of it. Although sugar can provide us with energy, excess consumption of sugar can be dangerous and destructive to our body. In this video we will talk about the benefits of stopping excess sugar consumption. 1.Weight Loss One…

  • 6 Foods to Eat Before Bed for a Better Sleep

    6 Foods to Eat Before Bed for a Better Sleep

    Sleep is an essential component of our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, many people struggle with getting a good night’s rest, whether it be due to stress, a busy schedule, or other factors. While there are many factors that can affect sleep, research suggests that certain foods may help improve sleep quality. From tart cherries…

  • Are Green Potatoes Dangerous To Eat?

    Are Green Potatoes Dangerous To Eat?

    When potatoes are stored in a hot, bright place, they are in the best condition to sprout. The chlorophyil production in the potatoes increases, which slowly turns it green. Although chlorophyll is a harmless chemical, its presence in potatoes indicates that they have increased the production of a glycoalkaloid known as solanine. Solanine protects potatoes…

  • Is Egg With Orange Yolk Healthier?

    Is Egg With Orange Yolk Healthier?

    Have you ever wondered why some eggs have a strong orange color and some have a pale yellow one? What makes the difference in color? is there any health benefits differences? According to research, eggs with darker yolks contain more omega 3 and vitamins, than eggs with lighter yolks. Especially in free range chickens. In…

  • 4 Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone

    4 Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone

    Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, affecting libido, bone mass, muscle size and strength, and other functions. But while testosterone is a male sex hormone, it also contributes to female libido, bone density, and muscle strength. In this article we talk about several ways to increase testosterone levels naturally: Sleep Most of the testosterone…

  • What are The Early Signs of Diabetes?

    What are The Early Signs of Diabetes?

    Please note, if you have some of the symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you have diabetes, but it is important to discuss this with your doctor. What are the early signs of diabetes? Going to the bathroom a lot – especially at night to pee. Thirst – feeling really thirsty all the time.…

  • 8 Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts and How to Cook Them

    8 Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts and How to Cook Them

    Brussels sprouts have never been as popular as today, because people have discovered some amazing health benefits they offer. High in protein and low in calories, Brussels sprouts are a great addition to almost any kind of diet. They’re easy to cook and regular consumption of Brussels sprouts will benefit your overall health in many…

  • Is It Healthy to Eat Fish or Chicken Skin?

    Is It Healthy to Eat Fish or Chicken Skin?

    Some people eat fish or chicken and throw away its skin because they think it’s not healthy. Studies after studies have been conducted to find out whether fish or chicken skin is healthy to consume, yet the findings are still controversial. Today, we’re going to review fish skin and chicken skin and the benefits and…