Author: Agogo

  • 7 Ways to Boost Serotonin (The Happiness Hormone)

    7 Ways to Boost Serotonin (The Happiness Hormone)

    Serotonin, often referred to as the “happiness hormone,” is a neurotransmitter that plays a central role in regulating mood, anxiety, sleep, appetite, and even cognitive functions like memory and learning. Read below to learn how to naturally increase serotonin levels. Most of the serotonin, about 90%, is found in the digestive system, while the rest…

  • 5 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

    5 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

    With a long history of medicinal use, Aloe Vera has been referred to as the “plant of immortality” in ancient Egyptian texts. With its succulent leaves and gel-filled interior, Aloe Vera offers a range of health benefits. Read below to discover the top five leading health advantages of this versatile plant and how to incorporate…

  • 8 Lesser-Known Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

    8 Lesser-Known Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

    Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a central role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the human body. From energy production for muscle function to even DNA synthesis, the importance of magnesium cannot be overstated. While many are familiar with common symptoms of magnesium deficiency, such as muscle cramps, fatigue, and mood disorders, there…

  • 10 Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Arthritis

    10 Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Arthritis

    Arthritis, a condition characterized by inflammation in the joints, can significantly impact one’s quality of life. While medical treatments and regular exercise play crucial roles in managing arthritis, dietary choices can also influence symptoms and overall well-being. Understanding which foods to avoid can help individuals with arthritis better manage their condition and alleviate discomfort. 1.…

  • 11 Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

    11 Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

    Restless leg syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, is a neurological disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, usually due to an uncomfortable sensation. This urge is typically heightened during the evening or at night when a person is sitting or lying down. While RLS primarily affects the legs, in some…

  • 8 Health Benefits of Eating Bulgur

    8 Health Benefits of Eating Bulgur

    If you’ve ever savored a bite of a tabbouleh salad, you’ve undoubtedly enjoyed the delightful texture of bulgur. But what makes bulgur nutritionally valuable? Scroll down to read. 1.Rich in Fiber One of the prominent benefits of bulgur is its high fiber content. Dietary fibers are essential for our digestive system’s health, assist in regular…

  • Your Belly Will Thank You! 7 Best Medicinal Plants for the Digestive System

    Your Belly Will Thank You! 7 Best Medicinal Plants for the Digestive System

    The digestive system is a complex and vital system in our body responsible for breaking down food and absorbing essential nutrients. When our digestive system is in harmony, we feel great; when it’s out of balance, a myriad of unpleasant symptoms can arise. In the world of natural remedies, certain medicinal plants have been used…

  • Stopping Throat Pain! 12 Particularly Effective Methods

    Stopping Throat Pain! 12 Particularly Effective Methods

    Throat pain is one of the most common symptoms of a cold or flu. The sensation of pain, or irritation can be uncomfortable and can vary in severity. Fortunately, there are several remedies and tips that can help alleviate the problem. Scroll down to read about some of the most effective methods. 1. Warm Saltwater…

  • They Block Everything! 8 Factors That Reduce Vitamin Absorption

    They Block Everything! 8 Factors That Reduce Vitamin Absorption

    We need vitamins and minerals for our bodies to function optimally. Unfortunately, we can “eat well” but still not get all the vitamins we need. There are several factors that can inhibit their absorption, and thus reduce the effectiveness of vitamins and minerals. Scroll down to read. 1.Excessive Alcohol Consumption Alcohol can interfere with the…

  • Sauerkraut: one of the healthiest foods you can eat

    Sauerkraut: one of the healthiest foods you can eat

    Sauerkraut is a traditional probiotic food that has been enjoyed by people for centuries. Recently, many studies have been conducted on its health benefits, which are quite impressive. Helps Digestion Sauerkraut can help improve digestion by supporting the beneficial bacteria in the gut. (1) according to a study, regular consumption of small portions of sauerkraut…