Anti-inflammatory Daily Activities

A chronic, inflammatory condition is no joke and it can leave you with a bouquet of various health issues.

While following an anti-inflammatory diet is considered one of the most effective ways to treat and prevent chronic inflammation, not every person can munch on anti-inflammatory foods all day long.

Instead, you can start with an easy yet effective morning routine that will do the trick for you. Read on to see your ideal anti-inflammatory morning routine.

Why is inflammation bad for your health?

Let’s start with understanding what inflammation is and how it can impact your health. There are two types of inflammation – good and bad. Good inflammation beats foreign invaders and aids in healing injuries.

When the body functions well, good inflammation might happen in the case of a disease. It’s part of the natural healing process of the body. For instance, if you scrape your elbow, harmful viruses or bacteria will get into your body. The defense system of your body begins to work and this is where inflammation is needed.

When you don’t have any injuries or disease but your body is inflamed, bad inflammation occurs. The symptoms of bad inflammation are the chest or abdominal pain for no obvious reason, redness, rashes, fever, fatigue, and mouth sores, among others.

When left untreated, bad inflammation becomes chronic and you might start experiencing frequent infections, weight problems, gastrointestinal issues like acid reflux, diarrhea, and constipation, whole body pain, mood swings, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic severe fatigue.

How can you handle bad inflammation?

Typically, chronic inflammation is treated with the help of steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, these drugs have serious side effects, including osteoporosis, high blood pressure, vision problems, kidney disease, and peptic ulcer disease. Some supplements, such as curcumin, lipoic acid, and fish oil, can help to ease the symptoms of chronic inflammation.

However, the best way to handle or ward off bad inflammation is by following an anti-inflammatory morning routine as well as by getting enough sleep and sticking to a healthy meal plan.

The anti-inflammatory morning routine might not help you cope with chronic inflammation, yet it’s a great way to become the healthiest version of yourself.

What’s an anti-inflammatory morning routine?

Sure, an anti-inflammatory morning routine isn’t a replacement of professional medical care and some factors must be taken into consideration before starting the routine.

Moreover, you might think that you have no time for thinking about inflammation in the morning. You shouldn’t think about it, though. Some tiny morning habits will help you reach optimal health with little to no stress and effort at all.

Here’s your handy guide on how to create an anti-inflammatory morning routine:

1.Reconsider your sleep patterns

Unless you go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 7 am, reconsider your sleep patterns. According to a scientific review, poor sleep or a lack of it can jump start a variety of inflammatory reactions.

During deep sleep cycles, your body does different functions, including lowering bad inflammation. Regardless of your busy schedule, try to go to bed before 10 pm and get at least 7 hours of quality sleep.

2.Drink lemon water or turmeric drink first thing in the morning

The hundreds of studies have proved the health benefits of lemon water – especially if you drink it as soon as you wake up in the morning. The beverages that contain turmeric make an excellent choice, as well. Both turmeric and lemon contain anti-inflammatory components.

The natural anti-inflammatory compound like curcumin contains the molecule NF-kB, which is responsible for bad inflammation in the cells. This molecule is responsible for severe chronic illnesses and conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Including turmeric beverages into your morning routine is an effective way to provide your body with the recommended daily dose of curcumin.

The compound is fat soluble, which means you can have turmeric drink with some fatty foods such as nuts or avocado. Whether it’s turmeric tea, smoothie, or just water with a few slices of turmeric, have it first thing in the morning to alleviate chronic inflammation and boost your immunity system.

If you have trouble tolerating turmeric, opt for lemon water instead. It’s overflowing with vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system. Moreover, vitamin C plays a critical role in collagen production and repairing damaged tissues.

The potent anti-inflammatory agents found in lemon water aid in easing swelling and treating or preventing chronic inflammation.

3.Enjoy leafy greens in the morning

If you’re serious about treating or preventing bad inflammation, you should be serious about getting into a habit of eating leafy greens each morning.

Leafy greens are packed with bioactive compounds and powerful antioxidants that aid in inflammation reduction and overall health improvement.

Eating leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and arugula, on a daily basis also helps to keep free radicals from triggering new inflammation. You can add them to your omelet or green smoothie.

4.Reduce your stress level

Life is impossible without stress, but when you’re stressed out round the clock, it can contribute to chronic inflammation. People who suffer from morning anxiety have an increased risk of developing chronic inflammation.

If you’re one of them, learn how to tame your panic attacks in the morning. Go for a run, meditate, or take a warm shower. The same goes for stress. Get into a habit of waking up with positive mind and thoughts. Practice gratitude and smile to the person you see in the mirror.

5.Take an omega-3 supplement

If you don’t have a nutrient-dense breakfast, it’s recommended to take an omega-3 supplement.

Research showed that omega-3 fatty acids boast powerful anti-inflammatory properties, as they aid in suppressing the production of inflammation molecules, such as cytokines and eicosanoids. Taking an omega-3 supplement also helps to relieve some symptoms of chronic inflammation, including constipation, anxiety, and depression.

Since omega-3 fatty acids have a good impact on your brain, it can also help you deal with high blood pressure. Women with high blood pressure will particularly benefit from this supplement.

In case you don’t have an omega-3 supplement, consider adding some olive oil to your breakfast or top your morning oatmeal with walnuts.

6.Avoid foods that trigger inflammation

When preparing your breakfast – whether in advance or in the morning – ensure you don’t cook with ingredients that are associated with bad inflammation.

Stay away from refined carbs like white pasta or white bread, sugary drinks, including sweet tea or coffee, and sugary foods like cookies and cakes. When cooking, avoid cooking with processed vegetable and seed oils, such as corn and soybean oils.

The so-popular breakfast that consists of eggs and bacon has been linked to chronic inflammation, too. In fact, it’s best to avoid eating processed meat or any kind of meat for breakfast.

Instead, consider adding anti-inflammatory foods to your breakfast. Munch on high-fat fruits like olives and avocado along with veggies like cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. This might be the last thing you’d like to eat for breakfast, but all those food items do really lower chronic inflammation.


People who exercise in the morning tend to be healthier, leaner, and more energetic than those who choose to sleep in.

You don’t necessarily have to head to the gym early in the morning or you don’t have to run around the neighborhood, just a few stretches, simple exercises, or asanas will help you feel healthier, keeping your inflammation in check.

Scientists are still trying to find out the link between inflammation and exercise and more research is needed to prove the fact.

Yet, it’s already known that regular exercise in the morning provides an anti-inflammatory factor. If you have chronic back pain or joint pain, consult a medical expert before starting your morning exercise routine.

8.Boost your fiber intake

Whether you’re looking to treat or prevent chronic inflammation, incorporating fiber-rich foods into your breakfast can help you with it.

Fiber plays a significant role in good gut bacteria growth, which is important for a strong immune system. Add raspberries, strawberries, banana, mango, apple or orange to your morning oatmeal for extra fiber.

If you make your breakfast in advance and you don’t mind having legumes for breakfast, it’s an incredible way to fight bad inflammation.

The final word

Chronic inflammation is a serious condition that can result in a great number of various health problems and diseases, including acne, autoimmune disorders, etc.

While it’s critical to change your entire lifestyle to treat chronic inflammation, your morning routine is extremely important.

Building an anti-inflammatory morning routine takes time, patience, and practice. Don’t expect chronic inflammation to vanish overnight. Most importantly, don’t ignore the early signs of bad or chronic inflammation.

These tiny yet so important steps will help you feel and look better. Moreover, they allow you to treat chronic inflammation without supplements and drugs that do more harm than good. Aim to splurge on a healthy lifestyle, not the drugs that can ruin your health.