Things That Destroy Your Skin Health

Healthy skin radiates energy, natural glow, and beauty, regardless of your age.

If your skin looks horrible or it’s prone to acne, there are a few factors that might be impacting your skin health. And your makeup isn’t the only culprit.

While it’s definitely important that you use high-quality skin care and makeup products, you should also pay attention to your eating and drinking habits. Below are some of the most common things that might be destroying your skin health.


Perhaps you’ve heard about it a hundred times, but are you in the habit of drinking enough water throughout the day? Not drinking enough water lowers the volume of blood circulation to your skin and makes it look dull and tired.

Even worse, chronic dehydration results in skin changes that you won’t be able to fix quickly with a couple of glasses of water. Sagging skin, fine lines, premature deep wrinkles, and visible acne scars are all the results of chronic dehydration.

Poor diet

What are you putting into your body? Today, most people have more bad eating habits than healthy ones and then wonder why they feel and look sick.

When your skin doesn’t get essential nutrients and antioxidants, it fails to functional well. Over time, the structure of your skin will begin to break down and it will cause discoloration, dry skin, blemishes, deep wrinkles, and overall premature aging. Ensure your diet includes all essential vitamins and minerals and try to limit your processed food consumption.

Poor skin care

Do you cleanse your skin twice a day? Do you moisturize it well? Do you exfoliate it regularly? Do you use SPF daily? Removing your makeup is critically important no matter how exhausted you are.

Sleeping with a face full of long-lasting foundation, eye liner, mascara, and blush can result in eye irritation, acne, overly dry and brittle eyelashes, dry skin, and wrinkles.

When you don’t wash your face in the evening, it triggers unnecessary exposure to free radicals, which breaks down collagen and promotes the development of fine lines and wrinkles.

Exfoliation is also an important step in a skin care routine. But, you should be extra careful with this step. First, ensure you are using the right exfoliator for your skin type. Secondly, make sure you don’t over-exfoliate your skin.

Moisturizing your skin is vital, too. Again, choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Pay attention to the quality of all the skin care products you use and try to opt for more natural products.

Alcohol consumption

A glass of wine once a day or a week won’t probably destroy your skin health, but if you drink too much alcohol, get ready to deal with a myriad of skin and overall health issues.

Drinking too much alcohol causes dehydration and robs your skin of electrolytes and nutrients. Instead of relying on eye patches or sheet masks and believing that they can permanently restore your skin health, limit your alcohol consumption or stop drinking altogether.


Smoking is a bad habit that increases your risk of many health conditions, including cancer. Moreover, it gradually destroys your skin and makes it look dull. Sagging skin and uneven skin tone are the results of smoking, too.

Squeezing skin imperfections

Who doesn’t like to squeeze those pesky pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads? While you do need and want to get rid of them, you shouldn’t do it at home.

Even though it seems harmless to squeeze a pimple, this action will show up on your face further down the road. Acne scars tend to pop up later on, in your 30s and 40s and are highly visible. If you have a pimple, leave it alone and use specific skin care products to treat it. If you want to get rid of whiteheads and blackheads, it’s best to see a cosmetician.


Chronic stress is always visible on people’s faces. Fine lines and deep wrinkles are more likely to be the results of chronic stress. Even if you drink water and eat healthy food, your skin won’t radiate with health if you’re stressed all the time.

Stress stimulates the rise of cortisol that negatively affects blood circulation to the skin and suppresses skin repair.

It’s impossible to avoid stress, but try to find ways to de-stress after a hard day. You should also change the way you react to things and people that make you stressed. Not only will managing stress improve your skin health, but it will also boost your overall health.

Sleep deprivation

When you sleep well at night, your skin cells repair and regenerate. When you’re sleep deprived, your skin suffers. Busy lifestyles and gadgets make us stay up late at night, delaying the release of the essential sleep hormone melatonin.

You might have trouble falling asleep and wake up feeling tired in the morning. Even if you don’t need to wake up early in the morning, it’s still crucial to go to bed before midnight. It’s best for restoring your body, including your skin. Getting enough sleep will make you look and feel young and healthy.


Skin problems, such as irritation, clogged pores, redness, dryness, blemishes, pigmentation, and congestion can occur due to air pollution. Each day, you expose your skin to various bacteria, pollutants, and UV rays, and you can do nothing about it. You can move from the big city to a small village, but there will be UV rays and pollutants, too.

All you can do is protect your skin on a daily basis. Ensure your wear sunscreen with SPF 30 and use a moisturizer that contains vitamin C or/and E. Cleaning your face twice a day will help you remove dirt and ward off premature aging.

Do you need more reasons to drink up? If you want to get healthy, naturally glowing skin, you should stay hydrated all day long. The recommended amount of water per day is 8 glasses, but each body is different so see how many glasses you need – especially if you work out or stay active during the day.