7 Signs you have vitamin D Deficiency

The fact that Vitamin D is vital for your bones as well as in curing a variety of other conditions has been established a long time ago.

Since then many of us have been able to consume a recommended 600 IUs of Vitamin D each day. But sometimes due to our eating habits and daily routines we are unable to take the required amount.

This causes the level of Vitamin D to decrease in our body which ultimately translates into Vitamin D deficiency. Such a deficiency leads to soft bones and other deformities.

You must be wondering how would I be able to know if I have Vitamin D deficiency or not? Are there any specific symptoms?

There are a few signs that indicate the deficiency of Vitamin D in your blood.

Bone Pain and Muscle Weakness

Do you feel like over the past few days you experience constant pain in your bones especially in your back? Whatever you do, the pain is still there? Well, this pain might be caused by the shortage of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps in absorbing more calcium which in turn keeps your bones stronger. When you have Vitamin D deficiency your bones and muscles are unable to absorb more calcium resulting in your experiencing pain and weakness.

Whenever you use your muscles, Vitamin D is there to help in muscle contraction. A lack of Vitamin D in your blood increases your chances of muscle weakness. It also enhances your chances of falling more often.

Many researches have also shown that an individual with Vitamin D deficiency is prone to back pain. This type of chronic pain is more common in older women.

Decreased Immunity

Are you one of those who get sick frequently? Whatever measures you take you still catch a cold that stays for a few days? Do you consider flu and a runny nose as your new best friend?

If yes, then you might be suffering from Vitamin D shortage. These are all just the ways in which your body is telling you that it needs more Vitamin D.

Not only does Vitamin D keep your bones strong, it also increases your immunity against viruses and infections. With a low level of Vitamin D in your blood, your immune system is unable to keep cold and flu at bay.

Several studies did the experiment of treating individuals having cold, flu and other bone disorders with Vitamin D supplements. The results showed a significant decrease in the above mentioned infections and disorders.

Sluggish Healing of wounds and injuries

Did you get injured while playing football and your injury still hasn’t healed properly? Do you notice that your wounds heal slower than they should?

If you are one of those who are stuck inside their home because of their prolonged healing then you might be suffering from Vitamin D deficiency.

Research shows that Vitamin D plays a vital role in the wound-healing process. Its shortage can lead to the sluggish healing of wounds and injuries.

Increased Mood Swings

Although you can experience mood swings due to a variety of reasons, lack of Vitamin D in your blood can be one of the leading reasons.

Increased crankiness, sadness and depression are all associated with lower levels of Vitamin D. You tend to feel blue and dull throughout the day.

Basically, Vitamin D is found to have an impact on Serotonin – the mood lifting hormone in your brain. A recommended amount of Vitamin D in your blood keeps you feeling elevated and happy.

This is more common during winters when we stay indoors most of the time and are unable to get enough sunlight exposure (as well as Vitamin D).

Studies have been conducted in order to find out the use Vitamin D as a cure of depression and sadness. In one of the studies it was found that Vitamin D3 might serve as a good replacement to anti-depressants.

Tiredness, Sleepiness, Laziness

If in general you feel tired, sleepy and lazy throughout the day then you might have Vitamin D deficiency. Research shows that these symptoms are more commonly found in women.

Low levels of energy and fatigue are all linked with low level of Vitamin D in your blood.

Increased Sweating (especially on the Forehead)

Considered as an important sign, a sweaty forehead might hint towards the presence of Vitamin D deficiency.

Even if you are in normal temperatures and you still experience sweating on your forehead then this might be because of the shortage of Vitamin D in your body.

This phenomenon is more common in newborn babies. Doctors recommend parents to check if their babies have excessive sweating on their forehead.

High Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure has surged up out of nowhere and you feel that this situation persists, then this high blood pressure might be due to Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D, through a complex process involving enzymes, assists in keeping your blood pressure level to its normal form.

When you have shortage of Vitamin D in your blood, there is much less Vitamin left to regulate your blood pressure thereby leading to high blood pressure.

If you experience any or all of the above 7 symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency then you need to visit your doctor right away. You should not delay your visit as proper medication can bring your Vitamin level back to its normal amount.

Additionally if you have a darker skin tone, you are above age 50 and you are overweight then you have greater chances of getting vitamin D deficiency. Keeping these factors in mind you need to be more careful.

Start exposing yourself to sunlight, eat more fish and milk and protect your skin in order to get the most Vitamin D naturally as all these little steps can prevent you from having Vitamin D deficiency in the first place.

Remember that shortage of Vitamin D isn’t something that cannot be fixed easily. You can obviously cure this condition in order to ensure a healthy life.


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