13 Healthy Drinks to Ward Off Cold and Flu

Though winter surely comes with merriment, it always comes with flu and cold too – something every one of us wants nothing to do with!

We all deserve a beautiful holiday season that allows us to spend time with our loved ones, but the truth is, no matter how strong your immune system is, the common cold and flu symptoms – even in not so severe cases – may dampen your mood and ruin the fun of the season.

Check out 10 healthy and easy to make drinks to help you ward off cold and flu to allow you enjoy a fantastic and superb winter season that you surely deserve.


The body requires a very large dose of vitamins when cold and flu comes in. Instead of munching on your fruits (something that could be quite cumbersome because you may lack appetite), you can blend all of it and drink it! The fruits would provide your body with the necessary vitamins for your body and quicker recovery.

How to make simple smoothies

You can make your smoothies out of any fruit, but it’s best to combine several fruits at once. Pineapples, oranges, avocado, mangoes, strawberry, banana, peach, pear, and apples are all ideal ingredients for smoothies.

Add a cup of water or milk to the blender. Next, add your fruit. Most people like to use bananas or avocado as it offers a creamier base. For a fabulously tasting smoothie, you’ll need to thicken it by adding instant oats. High in zinc and selenium, oats increase your infection-fighting blood cells helping you stay in the perfect fighting shape when the cold season comes.

You can add a little bit of sweetener to your smoothie to improve its taste. Maple syrup or raw honey is a healthier alternative to processed sugars.

2.Ginger tea

Ginger is an excellent aid when it comes to the duty of soothing the stomach. It helps to reduce the nauseous feeling that often accompanies the cold and flu. Ginger contains potent antiviral qualities that help to eliminate viruses that infuse weakness. Making ginger tea is actually easy. Just gather enough fresh ginger and soak in hot water. Sip this tea slowly and see how it works wonders.

3.Fruit juices

Just like your smoothies, you can blend up your fruits and drink up. Making a fruit juice is relatively easy too because all you need is a couple of fruits that are rich in vitamins A and C and a juicer.

4.Chicken soup

Okay, it’s not the sweetest beverage, but it deserves its place on this list. Chicken soup can do wonders for your system when you are having a cold, and this is one of the reasons why mothers always make one whenever you fall sick. The soup contains a whole lot of elements that make it easier for you to recover faster and it not only soothes your throat, it also keeps you hydrated all day.

Chicken soups are pretty easy to put together as all you need is simply add the chicken, water, and a tablespoon of salt to a boil in a pot. The next step is to skim foam and add a couple of slices of onions, garlic, and celery.

5.Herbal teas

Herbal teas aren’t only great at dealing with cold and flu but they also help to ward off the infections. Moreover, herbal teas, such as chamomile tea, aid in reducing the effect of sinuses.

Anti-flu herbal teas need quite a lot of ingredients to get it done, and that’s one of the reasons why a lot of people avoid making them. But when it comes to preventing the viruses, one-herb tea is the best option.

Add 1-3 tablespoons of dried herb(s) in a strainer. Heat a cup of water.  Put a strainer in your cup. Mix the herb(s) in the water and cover it up. Steam it for about 15 minutes and strain. Drink a cup of the tea a day. Don’t add any sweeteners.

6.Honey and lemon tea

This list will definitely be incomplete without mentioning the honey and lemon combo. This tea is one of the strongest antidotes for cold and flu. However, make sure you don’t drink those store-bought versions that claim that do contain honey and lemon.

Brew your own one. Add a teaspoon of raw honey to a cup of green tea, and stir in lemon juice or add 2 lemon slices. This tea is incredibly effective when you’re dealing with a cold that is accompanied by a cough and congestion. The lemon juice works by cutting through the congestion and soothing the throat in more ways than one so you can sleep easy at night.

You can skip green tea and simply add lemon and honey to a glass of plain water. Have it the first thing in the morning to keep your immune system strong and happy.


Vegetarians and vegans won’t like this drink, but if you don’t mind drinking a broth, why not? Made of meat, bones, vegetables, and sometimes fish, a broth is loaded with vitamins and minerals that strengthen your immune system.

Add the ingredients mentioned above to a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes and add bay leaves, thyme, and parsley. Then pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer in a large kettle so it can blend properly. Drink once a day.

8.Tomato juice

Tomato juice is the least popular on this list, but it boasts astonishing immune-boosting properties. It’s not about store-bought tomato juice, though. Tomatoes are rich in iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate, which all help to reduce your risk of infections.

Homemade tomato juice takes some time and effort to make, but if you preserve it you can drink it all winter long. Juice your tomatoes, add the juice to a saucepan, bring to boil, reduce the heat, and let it boil for around 30 minutes. Add a bay leaf, salt, and pepper and simmer for 5 minutes. Let it cool and enjoy.

9.Beet, carrot, ginger, and turmeric juice

This combination of fruits and root vegetables helps the immune system by decreasing the inflammatory symptoms. Inflammation is one of the causes of flu and cold, which leads to coughs, runny nose, and headaches. The taste of this juice is something your taste buds may hate at first, but unless it causes nausea, give this immune-boosting drink a whirl.

10.Kale, celery, and tomato mix

One of the most popular weight loss drinks, kale, tomato, and tomato mix is your powerful weapon against infections. The drink is chock full of vitamins A and C, fatty acids, iron, potassium, magnesium, and other elements that provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Have it each day to keep your immunity strong and your waistline slim. A win-win option!

11.Strawberry and mango mocktail

Mocktails are considered summer drinks, but they make great immunity-boosting winter beverages as well. Combine some frozen strawberries, one fresh mango, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 2 tablespoons honey, a cup of homemade orange juice, and a few mint leaves. Add to a blender and process until smooth. Skip the ice cubes and serve with a slice of fresh lemon.

12.Cranberry juice

Not only is cranberry juice is delis, it’s also an excellent source of powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C and flavonoids, which are effective in boosting the immune system. Homemade cranberry juice also helps to ward off cardiovascular diseases and keep the urinary tract system healthy.

13.Organic green or matcha tea

Those of you who hate smoothies, veggie juices, and mocktails, can enjoy a well-known green tea to improve the immune system. Matcha tea is even a healthier option, if you can find it in your grocery store. Look for organic versions to avoid excess caffeinate and additives. Organic green tea contains a substance, EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate, which can combat bacteria and keep viruses from multiplying. As an added bonus: both green and matcha teas can help you reduce the risk of cancer.

There are tons of immune-boosting drinks that will keep cold and flu at bay all season long, so feel free to experiment with ingredients. But remember, each drink has its side effects if you overdo it. A cup or two a day will be enough for you to stay healthy and forget about viruses and infections.


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